i'm LOVING that pins and patches are coming back. i found the cutest copper and glass container from target, which housed my flair collection as it grew. though, after i kinda forgot they were there and the pins started collecting dust from not being worn, i knew it was time to find a different method of storing them. i wanted to have them out in the open so i'd remember they were there, and actually wear them. thus, this cute little DIY was born! 

INSTRUCTIONS for the diy

  1. begin by cutting your felt. i cut a 15 in x 15 in square and trimmed off the edges, but you could totally do like a pennant flag shape, or keep it square, or cut a circle... the possibilities are endless! 
  2. fold the top of your felt square over it, leaving room for the dowel
  3. glue down the fold, and insert your dowel, then snip off the corners
  4. cut a piece or yarn ( mine was about 24 in long) and tie on both ends of the dowel

SUPPLIES for the diy

  • felt
  • scissors
  • wooden dowel
  • glue gun
  • yarn
  • pins!
flair pin storage-15.jpg

once you've finished all the steps, add your pins and hang it on up!

flair pin storage-24.jpg

if you're looking for a few pins to start your collection, or just an excuse to make this DIY (wink wink), i highly recommend looking through's selection in their online girl's pop-up, as well as big bud press and tuesday basseni've got some old vintage buttons up on there too, and i love how they look on my wall! i'm definitely more aware of my flair collection now, and can't wait until it's cool enough to break out the jean jackets again. watch out world, you've got some serious flair power coming 'atcha! 

DIYMolly Garvin1 Comment