
guys!! hi!! it's been a while since i've shared an adventure, or have even taken my camera out with me! my friends + i [yes mom, i have friends] have decided to make it a tradition to explore a new brunch spot every sunday after church. i had heard about wåhfles through the grapevine in early september, + knew i needed to try it at least once! luckily, my friends share my same love for squared breakfast foods, so we made the plans + headed over once last sunday's service was over. from first menu glance, we knew it would be a good meal. any place that offers to top breakfast with ice cream is my kind of place. 


we ordered, we ate, we talked  [read: complained about all the work we had to complete before the week started again], + just enjoyed the comfort of our new found tradition. i'm making it a point to be more intentional with bringing my camera along with me, even if it's just out to lunch. also, random side note: the blog's FOURTH BIRTHDAY is coming up + i've been reminiscing hard. scrolling through old posts, watching old videos, + more. four years. FOUR. so crazy. here's to four more blog years + more sunday brunch adventures + waffles with ice cream on top. have a good day friends! 

post + images by molly garvin

more california adventures here + more chicago adventures here!